Super Professor's Podcast

CHILDREN ARE BEING TORTURED by the Trump Administration, Why? Why are you allowing this?


Donald J Trump at @realDonaldTrump doesn't care about children being stuck in dog cages because that's what he does!  Donald  J Trump kidnaps more than 2600 children from their parents that love them and he thinks this is okay! Do you think this is okay because it's disgusting? What would you do if someone kidnaps your child from you?  There is no gray he kidnapped children from their parents and then sent the parents away to another country without their children that is 100% kidnapping! Don't tell me he's protecting the children when they get no food,  they sleep on the concrete floor,  several children had died! What would you do if someone killed your child and you knew who they were? Are you a parent, do you have moral values, do you care about another human being especially a child? Because I can tell you, one person, that doesn't care about a child, that's Donald J Trump. This a country that goes and helps people, not tortured defenseless children! This is not Russia! I don't know if Putin has done something this horrible as to pick on defenseless children but he murders people all the time, is there a difference when it's children? 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professor podcast. Today we want to talk about kidnapping children from the parents that love them, from Donald J. Trump and the republicans. Understand what I'm going to say. I am not Democrat or Republican b ecause I h ad voted both parties. Moral values count. Y eah. You don't pick on children. You don't kidnap 2600 c hildren from there Parents. Y eah. T his is wrong. T here i s no gray. There's no l ike, oh, they came over here illegally. R oot Bala c uts. Y eah. S houlda. M r M o, w hat r ole w ould y ou s et paypal? I would go get s traight d og cages without, i f the s cuff s tayed. What's going on i n my G od t ree? My father was God. S tray[ inaudible] dog c atered y ou s ick r obe Bubbleq and what is wrong with you? They need compassion. Hey C arrie and boom. You s et a b all. Whoa, whoa. N ever B oat R ob. Bob would, c ould y ou s et? Hey b ull bear children. What is wrong with you? Why do I have to tell you t his i s i t s ad?

Speaker 2:

Did okay.

Speaker 1:

This is our car. This is not stoping. I have white[inaudible]. This is we help paypal. This is this gusting, what's going on? Am I god tree. My father was 22 yes. God, Yo, get this straight. My family has done protecting this country and children. Do you understand that? No, you don't. You're harming children. You sick babies. This is a garbage. Donald J. Trump children. What is wrong with Republican? I have voted Republican Democrat. There's no way in hell I would ever, ever, ever vote Republican again. I am going to do everything to remove you. I am named Clemens at the my dad's, my dad brother that died in the war in this country bed, Paul and you sick things take. This is okay. It is not okay and any way, shape or form. I am not in any way, shape or form. I am really, really pissed off. White Man. Get that in you. You can not me with God damn stupid, stupid, stupid Republicans. This is a country that every body as good, you stupid people because if you stupid paypal, I don't care about having gun rules because stupid people shouldn't have guns. Kill children. Robots shouldn't be taking children away from their parents that love them. This is sad. I am of the sadness in my country. I am not fake. I am not anything but I have rail. You sick Republicans. Where the hell are your values? You put peeping Tom Trump and he sleeps around on his wife. He has storming January. He pay money. Mallory porn is probably red bottle akin. What is wrong with you people? You get[inaudible] I am sick of the sick Republican. There are good Republicans. Bad. They're not standing out because sac removed them 2020s coming up. Remove all of them because they don't care about us. They don't care about our children. Yes, I am sad because my family has died protecting this country. If you look me up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

my father was 22 years[inaudible] car. I have named Clemens after my dad's brother that died in the war and you sick people put a fake baby boat's spread power. That doesn't care about us. What our what our what? Woo. All right. Let me help you out. I will never stop. I will never surrender. I'm a pissed off white man. You stupid, stupid, stupid trappers you threaten. Don't drag. Not Thought is insane. You can't threaten us. We are on Barrett. You can't scare you stupid paypal. This is my country. My family has done protecting my country. What does that tell you about Matt? You can scare us. We care.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

you to rub low. Guess what? So dude, why I am Klemmer's Leon Kunkel I want to rumble with that. Trapper that what? Do Rumble? What's up man? Don't bring me a weak person. Don't bring me a baby bone spur. Bring me a man. They can take me out cause I'm done. Being nice to the wee people. You're harming my country. You put innocent children and dog cage and you try to make me think that. Oh, okay. It's no, no. Okay. Eh. Anyway, shape or form. You want to rumble? So Do, uh, I am Clemens. Leah come cool. Oh, don't, don't you dare chicken out coming against me. Don't, don't you do that. Don't you dare look me up, Joe. Do that. Just say you want a Rambo. Get on that Damn Fox News and say you want to rumble against Clemens a and Kunkel because he wants to rumble. Understand this is like the summit. They ate that night, that 10th time I've said this. I'm not a fake account. Like all you fake baby bones spur. No, I've never ever served in the military. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm a week. I'm a what? Do, what did Trump call me a stupid fool. Fuck God. Yay. That little baby bone spur. I'm only 62 years old this year. Trust may believe. May you got this. You can take me out. I can't do nothing. Believe me.[inaudible] me. You got this. I'm only this up here. Your res Clements a come call, right? No, no, no. Don't look me up. Do not look me up. Do not be afraid of me cause I'm done be and nice. Welcome to hell.