Super Professor's Podcast

The Battle for Democracy: Confronting Power and Preventing Dictatorship in America


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Could unchecked power be steering the U.S. toward a dictatorship? Join me, Clemon Kunkel, on this critical episode of the Super Professor Podcast where we dissect the alarming influence of the Supreme Court in empowering former President Trump and the implications this holds for democracy. We confront the unsettling reality of a nation grappling with corruption and dysfunction at the highest levels. Can President Biden rise to the challenge and restore accountability, especially amidst looming threats to Social Security and Medicare? We explore the urgency of decisive action in maintaining justice and preventing a perilous slide into authoritarianism.

The storm clouds of political chaos are gathering, and the signs are hard to ignore. We delve into the controversial rollbacks of environmental protections and the troubling appointments that signal potential economic and social unrest. Figures like Dr. Oz and the Supreme Court's contentious decisions are scrutinized, raising questions about leadership credibility and the future of democratic principles. This episode serves as a call to arms for staying vigilant and preparing for uncertainty while highlighting the critical need to safeguard our nation's core values.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Super Professor Podcast. You're listening to Clemon Kunkel, and today's podcast is about is President Biden a good king and what can he do? What do I mean by that? Well, the Supreme Court made Trump a king because he was coming into power and he really shouldn't have been on the ballot. But all the judges that are put there through Trump put there illegally the Supreme Court. That has no checks and balances. They can steal, rob, do whatever they want. So what has the Supreme Court done and what can Biden do? The Supreme Court said that Trump actually can assassinate his opponents and he cannot be held liable for it. Just think about that. Now they know Trump will assassinate and attack people because he enjoys it. What do the Supreme Court? People want Millions of dollars that they've got from their rich donors. They've made millions and they can do whatever they want. They're not held accountable whatsoever, whatsoever. So what can our new President Biden, as a king, do to fix our country? Well, that's easy. He can arrest all the Supreme Court that allowed Trump to stay in office because he should have never been on the ballot. But the judges said, no, no, we're going to let him stay too. So we have judges that are corrupt, we have Supreme Court that is corrupt.

Speaker 1:

And now we have Donald J Trump, january 1, which is going to be a dictator. There's no gray. He's going to take away our Social Security. He's going to take away veterans money and support. He's going to remove Medicare slowly, yes, but he'll do it and he's going to deport thousands and thousands of millions of people. Because? Why? Because he has the power. He's king. The Supreme Court. This is no longer the United States. This is a dictatorship.

Speaker 1:

Only way we can get out of a dictatorship there's two ways. We can have a civil war, and we all got guns. This is what's ridiculous with these people. They're like brain dead. Russia's people don't have guns, not unless they're in the military. American people they all got guns. They don't want. They don't want to give up their guns. You know what? I'm glad we didn't. Everyone I know has got guns.

Speaker 1:

So what should King Biden do? He should arrest the Supreme Court. He should arrest the judges that said Trump can be on the ballot when illegally he can't. He's a sexual predator, convicted excuse me, a convicted sexual predator. He did an insurrection, hasn't went to prison for that. All of his people are in prison Well, not all of them, but a lot of them. And then he stole secret documents and had them in his bathroom. He still didn't go to prison for that. Why? Because the judge in Florida is protecting him.

Speaker 1:

Trump is protected by evil people. Who are the evil people that allow this to happen? The Republican Party. All they care about is money, money, money. Give me money, dominate an arrow, total gamble All the time. This is insane.

Speaker 1:

I come from a military family. My father was 22 years, marine Corps. Donald J Trump called my family 10 of 10 cunkles that served in the military suckers and losers. No, the suckers and losers are the Trumpers, the MAGA, the alt-right, the neo-Nazis, the white nationalists, the KKK, the Ku-Ku-Ku, not the Ku Klux Klan. No, ku-ku birds. Trumpers are Ku-Ku, but they're spelled with a K, not a C. They're Ku-Ku, they're crazy. They love hanging and murdering.

Speaker 1:

So now we got the neo-Nazis prating around in streets. Now, so proud of their little Trumpy bear they get to hold to make themselves strong and powerful, we are heading for a civil war. There's no gray, because it's the only way to get the country back. They took away women's rights. They're going to take a woman's rights to vote. They've already said that they think a woman should stay in's rights. They're going to take a woman's rights to vote. They've already said that they think a woman should stay in the House they're going to remove. They don't want schools, they want people to homeschool. Why? Because dumb people follow stupid people and Trump is stupid as stupid gets and his stupid followers are stupid as stupid can get. These clowns bought a teddy bear A Trumpy teddy bear. You don't believe me? Just Google Trumpy teddy bear. These clowns think they're strong and powerful holding a teddy bear.

Speaker 1:

And Trump has done nothing but make money off the United States. Nobody else can make money but Donald J Trump. He's not a decent human being. He's a disgusting piece of dung. He's garbage. The only way we can get this back is Biden, be a good king and arrest these idiots and put them in prison, not assassinate them, like what Trump will do.

Speaker 1:

Trump will remove people's freedom of speech. He's already starting it. He's going to put Ron DeSantis in that. Kidnapped the immigrants from one state and shipped them to Florida and then shipped them to Martha's Vineyard, you know, like, promised them the world and then, you know, dropped them off in the middle of no place, like, oh sorry, here you go, we're going to leave. He spent what? $11 million to do that to innocent people Stole. This is what's insane. He stole money from the government to do something illegal and he's still governor, and Trump's going to make him governor of something. So Trump is putting evil people in. We haven't got to the evil yet. He's not even in absolute power yet. He's already bullying people around the world. This is going to get really bad.

Speaker 1:

Biden can fix everything by just arresting these idiots and putting them in prison for life and then charge them for the crimes that they did. We have no law now. Whose law Biden is king? He's the law. He won't do it. He should do it so we can get this country back to normal. But now we're in a dictatorship, absolute dictatorship. Trump will free all the insurrectionists that tried to overthrow the government. Then those people will help kill other people. They'll attack. We're just going to go right down the tubes. We need President Biden as king to step up and fix this. If he doesn't fix it, only we can fix it.

Speaker 1:

We have to have a civil war. There's no gray. You can't survive when terrorists are put on. That is for the government Trumpy to take money from us. They're going to take away our Social Security. They're going to remove it that we paid into. Rich people don't need money, but they want more money. Disgust is just mind-boggling. Now we have to have a civil war to get this country back.

Speaker 1:

They want to go back to slavery. They want to go back to slavery. They want to go back to having people as slaves. They want to go back to women with no rights. They want to remove rights of other people. They want to remove gay people's rights. You're married? No, not anymore, not with these idiots in. This is the dictatorship. Now we have to stand up and we're going to have to fight. There's no gray.

Speaker 1:

Everybody should go out and get guns. Because why? Because you can get guns. Anybody can get a damn gun. We don't have gun laws to stop you from getting guns. But if you do get a gun and you don't know how guns work, go a gun course.

Speaker 1:

This is gonna get mad. So plan ahead. He's gonna roll back um the environmental protection on all the billionaires and millionaires factories, so the planet's just gonna get hotter. He's gonna roll back all the electrical cars the benefit that you know, switching to electric to keep the all the electrical cars the benefit of switching to electric to keep the carbon dioxide down, to lower the greenhouse gases. He's going to remove that.

Speaker 1:

Trump is not smart, he's an idiot and he's bullying people and he'll start a war, a real war, with nuclear warheads. Why? Because before there were checks and balances, he couldn't get stuff done. Now there is no checks and balances. He's king and he will be abusive, more abusive, more hating, more loving, hurting, harming than before. He's an idiot. You can't get any dumber than that dummy. Trump's a brain deaddead human being. And who's following him? Brain-dead people.

Speaker 1:

He's putting Dr Oz in. What is it? Dr Oz that drinks his own urine? These people are insane. Dr Oz drinks his own damn urine and he's supposed to be normal. No, that's not normal. Drinks his own damn urine and he's supposed to be normal. No, that's not normal, he's an. I forget what he's being put in control of, but it's Dr Oz. He's an idiot. Dr Oz drinks his own urine. Don't listen to what I say. Go, Google it, listen, talk about it. He's putting that Kennedy. That guy had a brain worm eating his brain. He thinks LSD made him really smart. They're nothing but idiots. We have idiots being put in control. None of them has an education, none of them has a brain that works, but they all bow down to their king, and Trump is a king. Now, january 1, he will be king and we're going to be screwed. So you better get ready, you better hang on, because it's not going to be nice, it's not going to be good.

Speaker 1:

When the hurricanes hit, trump took money from FEMA to build dog cages for children, and that guy didn't go to prison for building dog cages. Kidnapping children. Trump kidnapped 2,200 children from parents that loved them. People that came over here were looking for help and asylum and Trump arrested them, took the parents and shipped them back to their country and kept the goddamn kids. That's kidnapping. But that son of a bitch didn't go to jail for kidnapping and idiots put another idiot back in power. So Biden has to step up, arrest them, and he can't be charged for it, because the Supreme Court said no, you can do whatever you want. You're king. The Supreme Court made Trump king and Biden king. Biden's not going to do it, so we're going to end up in a civil war, guarantee you. So grab on to your Snickers, because things are going to get really bad. Trump's already pissing off every person on the planet that's decent. So be careful, be safe and get ready for a civil war and the economy falling to shit. Be careful.