Super Professor's Podcast

The Price of Citizenship: A $5 Million Offer


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The Price of Citizenship: A $5 Million Offer, not the $5 thousand I said that that was a slip of the tongue.  

Navigating the murky waters of politics has taken an even darker turn with the alarming idea of offering citizenship for a hefty price of $5 million. In this episode, we dissect the implications of such a proposal on American values and the very fabric of our democracy. Is citizenship becoming a commodity to be bought and sold, threatening to undermine the principles of equality and integrity that this country was built upon? 

Join us as we reflect on the potential repercussions of monetizing citizenship and what that means for immigrants and native-born citizens alike. By sharing personal stories and examining the broader context of this initiative, we bring to light the urgent need for a conversation into the moral responsibilities that accompany such practices. The troubling trend of prioritizing financial gain over community and character opens a deep chasm in how we view our national identity.

In an age when political fervor often seems driven by wealth and power, we push back against this narrative, advocating for a return to core values of compassion and community. Tune in as we explore these critical discussions, encouraging listeners to consider their roles in shaping a more just future. This is a call to action for all who believe in the democratic ideals that unite us. Your engagement is vital—join the conversation today!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Super Professor Podcast. You're listening to Clint Kunkel, aka Super Professor. Today's podcast is about Donald J Trump. Now is giving citizenship to anybody that has five million dollars to obtain one. It doesn't matter that you're an immigrant, it doesn't matter that you're a terrorist, it doesn't matter that you're a dictator. You give me $5,000 and you can become an American citizen. That's where we are now, and that happened today.

Speaker 1:

So is the United States going to pot? Yeah, yeah, we are. It's all about money. Has nothing to do about. Oh, I know, I know. He said he's going to pay down help pay down the trillion dollar deficits that he's adding. So I guess there's a bunch of rich people all around the world who want to come and visit here. Seriously, who thinks Donald J Trump is going to put $5 million in the national deficit? Yeah right, no way. He doesn't pay his bills. All this is is another money grab from the United States. All this is is just take, take, take and give to him. Give to the almighty king.

Speaker 1:

This is embarrassing. We're a laughing stock around the world. Now We've got a clown running the country into the ground. We have no. This is just horrible to see again Every day. It's like a nightmare. We're living in a nightmare.

Speaker 1:

Five million dollars to become a citizen of the United States with a gold membership citizenship Give us your best criminals. We're going to have drug lords moving in and dictators moving in. Putin will be able to visit anytime. Kim Jong-un, all the great dictators around the world, will be visiting here. Here's 5 million, here's 5 million. Here's 5 million, here's 5 million. We're sinking so fast. It's disgusting. So that's where we are people, and just getting worse every day. Every hour we have a clown running the country and he put clowns in office.

Speaker 1:

You know, when Trump got to be president the other time he did an insurrection and now he became president. He raped a woman and he become president. He doesn't pay his bills. He stole secret documents and became president. Half of the United States is stupid. That's embarrassing. I never knew that there was this many dumb people on the friggin' planet in the United States. Just think about that.

Speaker 1:

He's a rapist, convicted rapist, not even any gray. He's convicted, didn't go to prison. He owes $424 million because he wouldn't keep his mouth shut. Wouldn't keep his mouth shut because he's above the law. He put judges in that protect him and he's been protected. He stole secret documents, thousands and thousands of secret documents. He didn't go to prison Stole and he didn't even have it secured. He had them in the bathroom in Mar-a-Lago In a bathroom. Our national secrets are out for sale and it took years to get the damn stuff back.

Speaker 1:

Literally, I didn't know our country was this screwed up. We have an idiot in power. He sent the insurrectionists free, people that beat up cops and enjoyed it, and he sent all these crazy people free so they can get guns and do another insurrection. You think there's a four-year term? There's no way. Now this is a four-year term. He's going to do the same thing he did last time, except more cheating.

Speaker 1:

Anybody goes against him. Supreme Court says oh yeah, you can kill him, it's fine. The United States is garbage. Now we're just a garbage company. This is insane. Five million dollars, like he gives a diddly. This is embarrassment. I don't know how I just had to do another podcast because I'm like my God. He's going to give him five million dollars. There is no checks and balance.

Speaker 1:

He got rid of people that oversee stuff, people that you know inspect things. Oh no, we don't need inspection. Oh no, we can shut down stuff. No, we want to be stupid. What you don't know, you don't know, you don't know. People are dying, it's fine, don't worry about it. Plane crashing, no, no, no, it's fine, it's fine. Let's get rid of the news media too. Oh no, we're only going to have certain people get to listen to me Fox News, because they spread the propaganda from Trump and the Russians. They had to pay millions and they're still in business, too Millions. They're still in business. Why are they still in business?

Speaker 1:

People love hate. That's why People love lies, conspiracy theories. People love conspiracy theories. You know what a conspiracy theory is? People that lie because, oh, I feel like that guy's a criminal because he walks. Funny, yeah, he's a criminal, so he gets to market it. And then somebody else will say the same thing, somebody else. So you get 50 people saying oh, yeah, he's a criminal, watch the way he walks. Somebody walks like that Conspiracy theory. There you go. There's another one.

Speaker 1:

What's religion? Religion is conspiracy theories. That's what religion is why? Because there's only 4,200 religions in the world today. Someone says your God's not right, mine is, so I'm going to make yours is wrong. What is it? Thou shalt not have another God before me. So there was gods before him. Don't think about how stupid that saying is no other god before me. Well, why would you have to say that? Oh, because there were gods before you. So someone else made up another conspiracy theory and people bought into it and gave money. Think about Religion and conspiracy theories they're the same. They have a feeling. I feel it Really, seriously. This world is stupid. Man. 4,200 religions in the world today and I'm not talking about Zeus, hercules, athena, any other gods. People love conspiracy theories. They just Athena and the other gods. This is this and we got, just because people love conspiracy theories. They just love it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my gosh, we're turning to a planet of idiots. Yeah, we need to bring Let the monkeys take over the planet, because that's what we got now idiots, monkeys will do a better job. Well, anyway, you guys, be careful, be safe out there. This is just going to get dumber and dumber. Plan ahead. The only way to get the country back is the Civil War. There's no way out. No way out. I don't see it Every day. All I see is Trump fired thousands, thousands of federal employees and then he has to hire some of them back. Oh, we don't know what we're doing. Stable geniuses that don't know what we're doing. We're the stable geniuses that don't know what we're doing. They get to fire people. Oh, they did that, I didn't know that. Hire them back.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Christ, we got nothing but children running the country. How do we know Donald J Trump's a baby? He used a sharpie when he was in power before on a hurricane map. The idiot, the absolute child, used a sharpie on a hurricane map to match his damn tweet. He's a child. And they put a child back in office knowing that he's a child. You know why? Because they're children. Children like children.

Speaker 1:

Haters love haters. Sexual predators love other sexual predators. Idiots love other idiots. There's no gray People love money. They just love other people that love money. Nothing else matters. There's no moral compass with Trumpers. Zero.

Speaker 1:

Trump slept around on all his wives and he paid porn stars and what? Carrie McDougal and Stormy Daniels? His wife was pregnant. I don't care that he sleeps around, it's up to them to divorce him, do they? No, she's still with him. This is embarrassing. He's just got nothing but children running the country. Trump, god, he's so goddamn stupid. I didn't know anybody could be as dumb as him and still be president twice.

Speaker 1:

You see all the horror. You know he's garbage. You know he lies 24-7. And people decide to put him in. You know what they cheated to win the election. They threatened people. They set mailboxes on fire. You know that they cheated. They make lies up 24-7.

Speaker 1:

Liars, love liars. That's where we are. Truth is out the window. Let's go with conspiracy theories. Let's people that make up a lie because they have a feeling. People just get to say stuff. Look at all the horror that Trump has said and done.

Speaker 1:

And people voted for the idiot. He's an absolute idiot. And people voted for the idiot. He's an absolute idiot. And if you don't think he is well, guess what. You're an idiot you voted for. Thank McDonald's. Why did McDonald's vote for Donald J Trump? Because he has their food right there on his plane. They get millions of coverage.

Speaker 1:

What did McDonald's do? Trump is a convicted rapist. What did McDonald's do? Al is a convicted rapist. What did McDonald's do? Alc used to work at McDonald's and Trump says oh no, she didn't. Trump knows everything. He just gets to say shit up Biden's from no. Obama not born here either. He's not a citizen. No, no. Then he had to backtrack it. Alc said she worked at McDonald's. She wasn't afraid to like oh, I worked at McDonald's, so what did Trump do to prove like? I can prove you wrong? Trump went and worked at McDonald's. They shut McDonald's down. Why did McDonald's do that? Trump was a convicted rapist. Just think about that. I'm never going to eat at McDonald's again. He's a convicted rapist. And they support that.

Speaker 1:

Women lost their rights to abortion. A guy can rape a woman, it's fine. Men get to do what the hell they want. A child could be 12, 13 years old, got raped. She's going to die because her body can't carry the baby. But oh no, she can't have it. She's going to die.

Speaker 1:

Aren't you responsible for the woman, the child that died? She's not any woman. The child that died from not having an abortion because the baby's too big on her. But the guy didn't get to lose his ding dong. Oh no, no, no, it's a man's world. We I, didn't get to lose this ding-dong. Oh no, no, no, it's a man's world. We get to do what the frig we want.

Speaker 1:

This friggin' planet is evil. We don't deserve to go into space. We're too damn dumb Going on another planet and destroy that one. Maybe climate change is dangerous as hell and these idiots don't know that. Smart people know it. Smart people know it, intelligent people know it. We're going to pot.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I just had to do another one and get some frustration out. Be careful, be safe. Civil War is coming. This is the only way to survive. You better plan ahead. Food prices are just going to keep skyrocketing. Prices are just going to go through the roof.

Speaker 1:

Trump fired a thousand National Park people, so National Parks are going to go to shit. Trump wants to start drilling at the National Parks. That's what he wanted to do last time. That's what he's going to do this time. Oh yeah, and then what is it? American Indians that were here. They're really not American. The original people that are here? They're not American. Damnity crickets. This is getting ridiculous. This guy gets to say stuff and get away with it. Be careful, be safe. It's just going to get worse. Well, anyway, I'm Clemens Kunkel, aka Super Professor. I break beer bottle, wine bottle and concrete block with my bare hands. I'm not a trumper dumper. I publish four or five books. I got Keys to Unlocking the Universe, new Theories on the Universe, mystical Truth Tales, a children's book. I got a self-help book. Google me, I'm Clemens Kunkel. I'm on Amazon. You guys, be careful, be safe. It's just going to get stupid.