Super Professor's Podcast

Treason For Sure! Hello Puttiee Putin We see You! So Sad Love!

Trump like hurting everyone, one is even his wife, But there is only one love, there is only one he will not say one bad thing about. Can you guess who it is? Which Dictator is it? You are RIGHT. Putin!Again. No sanctions But 500 for and only 5 against. You Do the MATH!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professory pod gas. You're listening to Clemons, Kunkel, Aka super professor, and today we want to talk about treason and Poodie a booty. You do know the monkey you put in office is going to be tried for treason, right? Let me help you out. You put a monkey in control of my country. I want to thank you very much for the burden my heart because now we see your whole, the monkeys. See this isn't Russia. See a dictator like you in your country took over for another dictator, but see in the United States we didn't have a dictator. We had people that try to take care of the country, try to make money, but. But the last guy, Obama, I was a smart cookie. You do know that slavery is not in the United States anymore, right? In trump's trying to bring it back. You should have picked someone with limited brains, but knew you had to pick a Ding Dong. Thank you very much. Boody boody. Sometimes I think you're on our side. It's the. I know you to put anybody in just to mess with us, but see, here's the problem. Put a booty. You put a monkey in need, but anybody with any brains in see when he keeps doing fake news, treason, the oldest monkey stuff that he keeps making up, you do know that we're not trumpers. You do understand that everybody's not KKK or the outright or the neonazis, right? Or the white nationalist. You do understand. That's a very small group of people. Just in case you didn't know. I want to help you out. Hey Poodie, I want you to understand you really screwed up. You know, for you to be a smart person. I know you're working like what?$15,000,000,000 to 20, and I know trump owes you. You do know you're never going to see the money, right? I mean, you do understand that, right? Because he can't pay you because we're watching him. Twenty four slash seven and see, here's the problem. Booty. See everything that, you know, Flynn and all the other Ding, dongs adopt lists and everybody that connected to you. You do understand we're coming after you, right? Hey Poodie, you do understand you screwed with the United States. Yes. You had your fun. Yes, I know. Yes. You didn't get the sanctions, but he didn't let me help you poop. Hey Poodie, just in case you're not paying enough attention. 500 people wanted sanctions on you. Only five to not plus trump. Can you do the math? A put$500. Mine is six. Maybe you should go back to school. Boody we understand you screwed with us. Foodie. You need to pay more attention. What's going on? So here's the thing, you can take trump down or we're going to take them down. We really don't care which one. But he'd gone down, you know. And now the best part of it is, is when he says, I don't know. I don't know him. I got no ties with Russia. No collusion, no collusion, no collusion. No. You know, it's too funny how stupid he is. He doesn't understand that. We know he was in Russia for the beauty pageant world. Right, right. I mean it goes from around the world. I mean you are smarter than that. Right? Booty booty. You do understand that we understand that trump was in Russia. I mean, are you guys really the stupid. This is embarrassing how stupid you people are, and Yaz Poodie, we know you didn't pull out of the Paris climate change. One hundred 97 countries stayed in but not American. Or were you guys going to work together and say, oh, drop your new dystonia and you know, in trying to show us how you two work together and see, here's the problem. Hoody a booty booty. You got to understand you're a dictator. You're a hater, you're a murderer, you're killer. Boody. We know that you. You do understand that, right? The only people that love you are dictators. Kay Kay Kay. All right, Neil Nazis in the white nationalists need to understand that, right? Yes, they are murderers, murderers, and killers. But here's the thing. You come at us, you gave us permission to come at you. You do understand that, right? Boody, boody eight, a poodie. This message is for Puti Puti. You mess with my country. Hey Poodie, let me help you poop it out. Foodie. I'm a pissed of white man. Do you understand that, right? Boody a foodie. I'm a pissed off white men. You do understand this is a military country. You don't understand it, right? You do understand it's not a dictatorship. He. I know you want it to be. You know the fake news. We know you did that in Russia. Do you do know that, right? We saw want you doing it? We know what you did. Is he trump? Trump is following your playbook, but here's the problem. It wasn't a dictatorship here. It was over there where you are. Yes, but see, I. We see everything. We know that trump has changed in the laws trying to get protests in illegal in the United States. We know that just like you did in your country, but see your country's a dictatorship. United States. No, not really. I don't know if you've been paying attention, but trump not looking so good right now. Boody a Poodie. You do know once we take him down in the monkeys that are still in there, you know that we're going to come for you, right in your money. You do know we want your money now, right? Because it's the only way to really, really mess with you is to take your money. Now we know that you're going to go run for office for another six years and we know you kill people over there. Go against, Dude, you've been empowered with 17 years booty. But see, we know that in, in, you know the world knows you're a dictator, right? And you've been in control in your country for 17 years. You, you do understand that, right? Yes. I know you got 7,300 nuclear warheads. You get 200 more than we do. We have$7,100. We built that. But gold warrant. No one wins. But see, you only care about lenny. You don't want to go to war. Could you love your money? So maybe you should leave planet. Go someplace safe because right now, ain't no place on earth safe for you. Trust me, believe me. You piss to solve test. Not a smart thing to do, and I want to thank you for showing us the monkey. Trump has gotten away with murder for years for Harman people. He's a bully. You, you, you put a bullying in office, you didn't put an intelligent person. He pulled the bullying. He's a bully. He's a baby bully and we all know it. He's not decent. He, there's nothing decent about him. He's kind of like you, which I can understand that, but you know, I didn't know you were this stupid. Yes, I know he had your phone with the United States, but your funds over with. I'm sorry. So sad. No, boody. Boody do understand what you did, right? You know, you can bail rental like hill goes, go to another planet. You know, that's the only way out now, and I want to thank you for showing us the monkeys that are in office because they're done. You do not understand that, right? Republicans, all the Republicans aren't like trump. There's some decent ones, but they're bailing. You do understand it, right? Boody. Boody. We're coming for you. I want you to know that in boody we're never going to stop. You know why? Because I'm never going to stop until we take down. Trump's going down and his family's going down and then pootie treason. Yeah. Yeah. Trump's going to be tried for treason, but you missed with our country without a good thing to do. Boody. Boody. Welcome to hell. Hello world. This is Clemens Kunkel, Aka supervisor. I do podcasts. I do. I have my self help book out on CD. I have ms dot courtroom tales and children's book. I have keys and lock in a universe. New theories on the universe. I'm not a poodie that doesn't know anything that doesn't this horrible in judo, horrible at riding the horse. Just growing more into. Then people look like they're falling off. Those are children. We're not children. We're Americans. We're not the KKK. The outright are the Neo Nazi. No, this is America. I'm a pissed off white men. These monkey or children that don't know anything, we remove them and we get out. We get rid of all the monkeys, put them in a cage where they belong. You guys take care of stayed safe and we're out there. Have a good one. Hello, poodie. See you soon.