Super Professor's Podcast

BEA = Birth of Everything Again is 7th Dimension Plain


The 7th Dimension is not String theory or M theory or Super Gravity theory this is my theory on why the universe looks the way it does. Get my book on Amazon called (Keys to Unlocking the Universe) or listen to a couple more Podcast. Bea is about how the 7th Dimension came about. If you want to know why the universe looks the way it does,  I Have the Master Key. With this Key all doors will open.  Like;  why is the universe expanding? Why is there dark matter? What happens to a Black Hole?  Those are good question let me help you to find the answer.  Welcome to the wonder of our Universe. 

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the super professor podcast. You're listening to Clements Kunkel, Aka super professor and today I want to talk about and then the new theory of mine, it's called B, b stands for the birth of everything again. Now, uh, to get a little bit of knowledge about my theories that I have out, I have a book on Amazon called keys to unlocking the universe. Now the reason I said keys to unlocking the universe, because I think I have the key. It's Kinda like once you get in the door of a high rise with the master key, you can go around and get into all the other room because you got the master key. I think I have the master key that explains our universe. I have 42 empirical evidence. Everything I can say, I mean everything I say I can prove 42 times got hard to do if you don't have a master key. But I got the master key and if you get my book you'll understand more. But, and there's a couple of podcasts on here that I explained, a couple of different theories, but today's theory is be birth of everything again. Now what is b? Well, you got to, it's going to have to back up a little bit so you get a little bit of understanding. My book says that there was a merging of two universes. There was one universe and then there was another and they join, which created are one large universe that we have today. I'm not talking about our galaxy. There's roughly, I'll give him the old information. Hundred$25, billion galaxies. And that was like 20 years ago, I think they switched it down to like$500, billion galaxies out there. It with trillions of stars in each galaxy. So our universe is very, very large and it's getting larger. The universe expands it one point three miles a second in every mega parsec. So the universe is getting larger, stars are being born and stars die. So our university is growing and growing and growing. Now what is be? Well, let's go with um, what's a black hole now? A black hole laid our milky way galaxy is held in place by a black hole and most, not all, most galaxies have a black hole that they rotate around. Now no one knows what happens to a black hole. It just always been there and always will be maybe, but there, there is no explanation for what happens to a black hole. Now he can have a million suns mass in that black hole. Nothing you don't see any light from. You will usually see the admission bearse from it, but it doesn't glow around it. You have jets, top and bottom, but can't see nothing else because the gravity is so strong that the light is bent back around because the light is considered a wave, a particle and kinetic energy, so light will go up and it has enough gravity. It's a bent back around so you can't go past the event horizon because the light ray goes up and turns around and comes back down. So you get no light from a black hole around it. All right, now let's do something simple. I want you to work with me, my my book, and my theory says that there's other dimensions. I'm not talking about string theory. I'm not talking about in theory, I'm not talking about super gravity theory. Those are theories that believe in other dimensional planes. We're not talking about those. We're talking about a whole new theory. Sorry, just a whole new theory, but let me help you out. Hypothetically, just do something hypothetical. Let's just say hypothetically right now that there is another dimension right beside us that the black hole can slip over into and leave our universal plan. What does that mean? Well, let's do something simple. They take an aquarium and think of the water and Phillip Aquarium, halfway full of water. Think of the water as the fourth dimension of playing. Think as the air in the aquarium as the fifth dimensional plane. Now put a ball in the pond. I mean in the aquarium, the ball will float it still. Okay. No one with holes in it, but it'll float, right? But if you put more mass in the ball, it finally goes all the way down into the water and leaves the fifth dimensional plane. But let's go the opposite direction. Let's make that ball lighter and lighter than air and it's going to rise up like a balloon and go into the air and separate from the water. So go both directions. Pins on the mass that's inside it, that's the important part. So let's think of that ball as being a black hole that's touching the fourth dimensional plane and the fifth dimensional plane. Just put another universe right beside ours. Some people have a hard time with that, but there's a like a million neutrinos. Go through your fingers every second. Do you notice it? Do you feel it? No, you don't. It's something like$65. Billion Neutrinos go through your$65 million you don't pay attention to. The atoms are very, very, very far apart and like science is like 20 miles apart from each other. If you go down to the topic level and get further and further, the atoms are not touching. It's like when you slap your hand on the table, it didn't. That's not a touch. That's a repulsion sound. All right, so your that is a repulsion. Your hand did not touch the table. The Adams pushed against each other. It really was. You got a microscope you can see right through that they didn't touch. Your hand is not literally touching the table. It is a repulsion. So like you've been trying to put two magnets together. They push away north and south. They tried to push away.

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Speaker 1:

I hope that it kind of makes a little bit of sense. Now let's do something simple. Just work with me. Take the black hole and give it mass. So much mass that it separates from our dimensional plane and slips over into another dimensional plane was in our dimensional plane that we could see it. Then it slides over it. Now you can't see it. And how do you understand that? Well, if you take a ball and you push it in the water, it's not actually right there. It kinda moves. Shift like water refracts the light so it's not there. Does that make sense? But if the water's dirty, he pushed the ball in, you absolutely do not see it. Well, let's go the other direction. You make it light and you take the ball up and make it go into the air because it's light from the water. You can't see it. So from wherever you are, you cannot see the ball. So think of a black hole slipping over to another dimensional plane and you can't see it directly. You can see it indirectly. What does that mean? Well, if you take a ball and push it in the fourth dimension, which is the water, and you slide the ball, we're not quite touching the top of the water. You'll have a ripple in the water. Does that make sense?

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now also if you take that ball and shove it in real quick into the water, you have the water rushes in and slam I'm against. So it creates a shockwave. But if you take the ball and he ain't get out, you calls another shockwave, a different shockwave. Could you took it completely out? So think of a shockwave. If a black hole left a dimensional plane also, so b stands for birth of everything. Again, what I am saying is that a black hole from our universe slid over into another dimension and created a wake in the galaxy, set the galaxy in motion, forced the galaxy to release energy and cause a lending. Now, what I am saying is that a quasar galaxy matches my theory and my paperwork. Queens, our galaxy has a massive red shift sometimes and it's a double has a double lending. In other words you see to the same galaxy, but they're different, but they're the same but different ones. The larger ones, smaller. You have a lenzing. Also, the quasar galaxy have a super amount of energy release which is unexplainable. Quasar galaxies are not explainable. We do not know why they have so much energy, but do something simple. Think about take a gigantic ball and sitting in that aquarium that you have. Now take a whole bunch of little golf balls. I mean not golf ball. Ping Pong balls that will float on the top right now if you yank that big ball out, it creates a shockwave. The ocean water moves or the water in the aquarium moves outward and will affect each one of those balls, set them in motion. Each one of those balls represents a star. Each one of those balls would have kinetic energy flow through the blue magnetic plasma that is in a star. It will sit that plasma into motion because it's a space wave moving outwards. Does that make sense? Think of a black hole. Slide it over to another dimension and no longer having gravitational attraction to all those trillions of stars. Could be a 500 billion, could be a billion, but it will set that galaxy into motion and it will be a timeline. So what I am saying, b stands for the birth of everything. Again, a supermassive black hole leads our universal plane in slides over into another dimensional plane and expands outward. It no longer has pulled on it. It is released. How do I explain the release? Think of an oil dropper.[inaudible]. Drop a little thing of oil on the water. Now the dropper holds the oil until it you the light way at all until it touches the water. And once it touches the water, the oil stretches across the aquarium, it has pressure from the water, which is the fifth dimension. Plane has is the fourth dimension planning. He had pressure from the air, which is the fifth dimensional plane. And the oil is the sixth dimensional plane. They're all three different, but they all three have an effect on each other. Does that make sense? I hope so. That's the way I understand how it works. Now, just do. Do something simple. You think about what would happen if you pulled a black hole all of our universe and slid it over. Slide it over into another. Just just think about that logically. Don't go by what I say. See what you come up with. What happens to a galaxy? What will that galaxy change? How would that go see change over its lifetime? It's not going to be instantaneous. Light travels at 180, 6,000, 280, two miles per second, and the vacuum of space and nothing is instantaneous. Not even gravity. Gravity's constant, not instantaneous. The moon affects our water. That that moment has a pool in the ocean. We have high tide and low tide has a gravitational effect, but it's not instantaneous. That also are our planet has an effect on the liquid plasma and a son. That's how we see stars with planets around them. We have a dip in the wavelength. There's a transit. We know that a planet went in front of that store. We can't see the planet, but the wavelink drops and we know it was interfered by a planet. We also can measure how big the wave length is to know how big the planet is, so just do something simple. Have a black hole with a million suns mass, slide over to another dimension and is now free to expand to create its own dimension. It's no longer held in place. It's no longer squished on. It's a release of energy. Now, think about it. If if that black hole is nothing but energy compressed and now you release it, it's going to go home. It's going to spread out fast and you have energy and it's going to be hot and it's going to have two cool. Now we talk about the big bang. My paperwork says it wasn't one big bang, but to emerging of two universities, which greeted are one of the university we have today. Now, if I'm right, there could be a couple small merging that created our one universe today, but right now I can show you absolutely, positively blind it beyond a shadow of a doubt that we came from a merging of two universes, one for us over here growing another forest over here growing and they grow together. Finally, you can't tell the difference too much between two different forces. They great one for us, so I say our universe was creation of two different universes separate from each other, growing gravitational attraction and they merge. How is a way to understand that to a forest growing also galaxy, our Milky Way galaxy was from emerging of another galaxy. We gobbled up and we also had the small magellanic cloud in a large magic letting cloud, which are galaxies in one day they will join with us. Also, the Andromeda galaxy is falling toward us and we're going to get larger again. So our Milky Way galaxy is gonna, grow and grow. It wasn't this big at the beginning, it got bigger by gobbling up other galaxies and then when they gobble up, it takes a long time for the merging to get completed. So think of our son and the next son to us. Approximate it Proxima. It's four point three light years away. It. There is a big gap. You could throw a couple of planets and stars on there. They're going to bother us. We're. We're spread out really fast to allow for emerging. It's kind of like thinking of a forest growing a really big tall tree. Then think it before and have a smaller tree, but then think of the grass growing. Think of all those different levels. That's what's happening. We have different levels. You know like when you're flying in a plane, you can only see the the big tree. You can't see the little trees when you're in the forest and the plane, you can't see the grass. You can't see the different levels, but they're there. Same thing with galaxies. Dimensions.

Speaker 2:

Now what I say be his birthday of everything again is another universe. Expanding, creating, and being born. It will take time for that universe to cool. It will take time for that university, have stars. It will take time for that to coalesce for the stars, to create galaxies. It takes time

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and we will be able to see that galaxy grow over time. Why? Because we know that a quasar galaxy released a black hole and the double lindsay and shows us direction that that new universe is moving and bending the fabric of space because it's matter. Matter bins, the fabric of space. It bends a fabric of our space and your been the light that's traveling in space. It's the same thing as when you go fishing and you see the fish. You looked through the water, but if you go and poke a stick in there, you're not gonna hit that fish. That light is being bent. You have to aim. When I see below, delight is being bent. You have to understand where you have to throw the spear to kill the fish, to hunt. If you want to eat. You got to understand science. You got to understand that that water is bending the light from that fish. Does that make sense? Next time you're in and, and, um, funding pool or something, put your hand in the water and look at the light, look at where your hand went in and see the difference or take a stick. You can see the difference, you know, just do yourself a little test and just just recognize what things, how things are different. So I'm saying be the birth of everything and again, create certain effect. And I actually have in my book, I explain what B is and I go into details on my second book going. I really got to get the second book out. It's done, but I have had to reconvert it from a landscape designed to portrait, which is messing up all my graphics and I've been lazy trying to get it all done. Um, but the quasar galaxy, I match. I match the double Lindsay, then the quasar galaxy. I said it would be a double anything. I did not know. I going tell you I did not know that the quasar galaxy was out there. A friend of mine said Glam. You're talking about a quasar. Galaxy Ed was a friend of mine and he goes, clammy, that's a crazy our galaxy. I go, no, it has to have a double lens. And he goes, Glen, that's a quasar galaxy. I go, what? See, I don't know everything. Other people got a lot of information and he's like, no clam. That is a quasar galaxy. He showed me a quasar galaxy. He does everything that I say it's to do. And when you have a quasar galaxy and you don't see a double lending, that means that that gravity, that black, that um, that black hole slipped over and is going away from the quasar galaxy. If you don't have a lending, it's going the other direction. Does that make sense? It's going, it's going away from us. You can't see it. It's not coming toward us. A quiz, a galaxy coming toward us. You're going to be able to see the lindsay quicker than going away from us. So knowing that the black hole slipped over to another dimension and calls the double lenzing. That Double Lens in is showing you where B is birth of everything again. So that double lenzing prove that be happen. There is no explanation for the double Lindsey. I explained what it is and why it's there. I also said that the stars would give off a super amount of energy because the kinetic energy wave traveling through would call, set the stars into motion and it must release energy. It's a kinetic space wave, kinetic energy space wave moving outward throughout that galaxy. The galaxy is$100, 100 light years away across a 100,000 light years across. Well, that's the timeline that that wave is going to have to move. It's going to take time and if that space wave, because we don't know what that space wave, how fast are we moving, but it's going to be a shock way that is going to reverberate throughout the universe and that shock wave, that space wave will tell you to direction because that space wave will be interfered by the other by be moving through it. That space wave is going to keep going and going and going. Now we don't know how fast b will expand, but the expansion as it happens, it's going to cool. That area is going to be significantly different. So that's what I'm saying is that there's a another university being created when a black hole leaves the universe. Now let's say here's a black hole over here. It left the universe, our universe. Let's just go with ours. We lost a black hole over here. Here's the Quasar Galaxian. There's another quiz. Our galaxy there is another quake is our galaxy. So let's say there's three of them

Speaker 3:

that happened at almost the same time and there's super massive amount of energy and other superman have massive energy, another super bowl, and they merge because they're close together. So they're merging and cooling and growing as one. And there is a cool. They all will create stars and galaxies. All right, so I'm saying that B has a lot of effects and it'd be easier to map. I'm saying that be. There's three different stages and in my paperwork I'm a B, b will be a cooling stage, which is called Alex's a space. And then there's Angela space. And then Julian space, so three different stages. One is nothing but energy and heat. The next stage it starts cooling, informing what's your just be stars, cooling stars. And it'd be closer to the outer edge, not the inner edge. The stars will coalesce further out because it'd be cooler. Alright, where where it happened, did you still going to have heat? It's Kinda like having a burning fire. And those embers heat radiates outward and cools. So now there's no, it's not running or items aren't running around like crazy. So in that area, the stars are gonna form outward. And then as it cools is going to come inward. Now, as the stars are born, because you're gonna, have nebulous nothing, big, gigantic gas giants to allow stars to be born. When a star is born, now it has a gravitational attraction. It pulls more matter into it. Then another star does the same thing, then another, then another, then another. So I'm saying that universities are created by a black hole. Yes, I am saying that I am saying our universe came from another university of science. And I am not saying that we live in the fourth dimension plane. I am not saying that we live in the fifth dimensional plane when, you know, like the fourth dimension, space and time Albert Einstein came up with right now he didn't invent, invent space and time. He just showed you how to recognize what it is. Okay? So we know what the fourth dimension is, space and time. But here's the thing, we must add matter into the equation. Now, if there's a fourth dimension that I say, and there's a fifth, I don't think we live in the fourth, uh, I don't think we live in the fifth. I think our universal plans, at least the six dimensional plane where it can be the seventh of eight. But to me we're still, we're at least the sixth. What does that mean? Well, you've got forward and backward, which is two dimensional today, right? Three d, what's three d? You're sitting in the imax theater. You've got depth. You don't have the fourth dimension sitting in the Imax theater. You're just looking at a movie. You're not moving in that movie. Right? Does that make sense? The fourth dimensional plane is space and time, but it should be space, time and matter. The fifth dimension, you still got forward, backward, left and right, up and down. Space, time and matter. Six, dimension forward, backward, left, right up and down. You still got space, time and matter, but what you have is thinner space, slower time have your matter, the interspace, slower time, heavier matter. The heavier the matter, it affects space. Space Effects. Time. Time is not constant. We know that matter. Bins, the fabric of space. The faster you go, time slows down. Now, if now just think about this, the inner space, slower time, heavier matter. You still get your fourth. The two dimensional plane is three dimensional plane, but you don't have the four. You don't have the fifth. You had the six dentists base. Slower time, heavier matter. So what I'm saying is that I'm adding matter into the equation. So you have heavier matter, you have lighter matter. Do you have heavier and heavier matter. You have faster time. You had time, you have floortime time. Each one is different depending upon the matter that's in it. I hope that helps you a little bit. How? What's it? Okay. In my book, I show you a Rubik's cube. Everybody. Not everybody, but a lot of people play with Rubik's cubes. Think about this in the simplest sense. Take a pencil and write for in a cube and then five, four or five, four or five, four or five, four or five, but four, five all around the cube. That one cube of space is a. for the next cube is a five. The next cube is a. for the next few, it was a five. If you put four or five all around the cube and rotate the cube, it's still four, five, four, five, four, five, four or five. You still get forward, backward, left and right up and down in space and time, but you have two dimensions right beside each other. They're connected. They interfere with one another as they go path. If you're rotating a rubik's cube with four or five, four or five, four or five, you're transferring energy from one game to the next cube. You're sliding. You're creating friction and creating heat. So just think of the other dimension as sliding through us, creating some friction, some heat and transferring energy. Think of having a boat going across the water that creates awake, it moves stuff. Think of a black hole in another dimension dragging through our area space. Put us beside each other, right next to each other. Separate but connected a Rubik's cube. It's separate but connected. Think of the fourth dimension of playing the fifth. Now if you took and dropped in another cube right in between the four and five and interfered with putting, putting, putting a Rubik's cube in a smaller Rubik's cube and having it rotate in between there you can rubik's cubes and still haven't moved. Four and five, four and five, four and five. So that's what I'm saying is I'm saying that be the birth of everything again is another dimensional plane that was created. I say that we live in the sixth. So if, if we lost the black hole from our universe and it slipped over to another dimension, that would be the seventh dimensional plane. So yes, I am saying there is a seventh dimensional plane and I am absolutely saying that a quasar galaxy released a black hole because Alex, we look at do not have a black hole. They have a super amount of energy energy. They have a double lindsay and it's unexplainable glazer agalaxy has more energy than all the other galaxies. I'm saying why that energy's. There is a kinetic energy space wave movement outward affecting the stars over a timeline so that quasar galaxy would just keep putting out energy. So that's what I'm saying. So I hope I didn't talk too fast and I hope this helps some people, but look me up. Keys on left in the universe on Amazon. I also have a couple of more podcasts that I did. I hope you listen to some of them. Um, I can't remember what they are, but there's like three or four of them about my theories on here. And I'm also, before I go, I'd like to say please start studying. Manmade climate change is dangerous. Dangerous, dangerous. People don't understand it because they do not study. Donald trump does not know anything about the planet are about Mother Nature. He generally doesn't. We've had the warm as it was last, was it last 10 years? The warmest on record. We've been breaking records records. We've had the crazy storms, we've had hurricanes. They're going to add a new classification. We're going to go up to category six, whether just gonna to get worse. The hurricanes are gone and get worse. Here's why. The Sun is in a low cycle. It does. Eleven years. Swing son's gonna start going what's called Maxima, and that means more sunspots meant more solar flares and that's when we heat up. We're doing opposite of what the son is doing. So when someone says manmade climate change is not real, you say? Yeah. What about the 1930 dust bowl? Anybody remember that? Only destroyed 60,000 acres. That was manmade. Oh, wait a minute. Where is there another one? Yes, the ozone layer. Ozone layers on natural phenomenon. It's, it's, uh, it's happened. The Antarctic. Here's the problem. We put too much ozone up. We for refrigerant. We were using the wrong chemicals in our air conditioning unit. And we made the whole get bigger. So when someone says, man made climate change is not real, they are not very smart. It's been real. A few times I just gave you two. So do some study in trump. Doesn't know anything. The great barrier reefs around the reef, the great barrier reefs are dying and bleaching from the one degree rise in ocean temperature. That ocean temperature is dangerous. That ad is what fuels the storms or hurricanes. Also, hurricanes will darken the ocean. The more storms you had, the more dirt you put in, the more the temperature will rise. So it's a domino effect. Also, the one degree rise in temperature means it's no longer freezing because it's too warm. They add Arctic is losing ice. Do not listen to people that do not know. Science listened to the scientists. They had been warning us for years about this. When Donald Trump said, well, we need is more global warming because it was cold where he was. No, that is what's called a polar vortex split. Please quit listening to trump. Doesn't know anything. Scientists have been warning us for years when the polar vortex split, you're going to have more longer fingers and it's gonna get cold. It's gonna. Get hot, gone and get cold, going to get hot. So yes, there is an extreme in temperature. There's a reason for it. Listen to the scientists listening to the smart people, not the very stable genius. They. There is no such thing as a stable genius except for trump because he's not a genius. So yes, he's a stable genius because he's not a genius. Understand how dangerous manmade climate change is, and we must go solar, we must get better. We must change what we're doing. Do some studying. Do not listen to the trial. I got kids and grandkids.

Speaker 2:

My kids are in danger. Your kids are in danger. We must work together. One hundred 97 countries around the world. Understand we have a problem, but not trump. Even boody booton didn't pull out of the Paris climate change. Only one country did the United States.

Speaker 3:

Republicans and trump don't know anything. I have voted Republican and I have voted Democrat right now. I'm pissed as hell at the Republicans because my goodness, they. What happened to them? John Mccain was a Republican and trump does honored a prisoner of war. I'm sorry. I come from a military family. You don't pick on you. Don't pick on them. They've been through hell and you don't do it when they're dead. Trump is a disgrace. He does not represent me or my family. I'm a pissed off white man. Please start studying and paying attention. What trump has done is wrong. Putting children in dog cages is wrong, so do speak out. You can't vote Republican anymore because there's not enough of them to stop what's going on. They don't care. I'll never vote Republican again. I'm responsible for some of the stupid people in. I only make mistakes once. We need to get off the planet to survive. We need to fix what we're doing wrong and we need a better world. We do not need booton controlling this country. This will become a dictatorship if we don't fix this. So everybody out there. I hope you do your part and I hope you tell people because this can turn into Russia, won't turn into it. You know, so this is Clemens Gunckel, Aka super professor. I got children's book out. I got ms dot towels out. I got self help. Dream your dream book out. I've got podcast out. I got CDs out. So tell the world, you know, speak out, get her, make a difference because we need to help the world. People are suffering around the world. Everybody's going to speak up. I speak up every chance I get, I'm, I'm done being nice. I really am. We need to fix this. Our children are in danger. You don't think so then let's have a debate

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I know we're in danger and not to know that it just being stupid. So anyway, everybody get out, speak, do something. You take care and be safe. If you're going to go against a trumper, be ready to rumble because they just don't care about people. They want to bully people. And that's wrong. I'm definitely not the person to bully. So if you're a trumper and you want to come at me, Oh, please do. I'm ready. Understand that this is my country to wake up. I'm a pissed off light, man. You guys take care. Speak out. Make a difference. Be Safe. Record everything.

Speaker 2:

Have a good one.